DOI 10.35381/cm.v8i3.891


Nursing role in the process of care in patients with pneumonia


Rol de la enfermería en el proceso de atención en pacientes con neumonía




Yasmin Alejandra Castillo-Merino

Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Manabí



Monserrate Cristina Merino-Conforme

Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Manabí



Martha Saida Quiroz-Figueroa

Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Manabí



Gladys Catalina Ramos-Arce

Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Manabí





Recibido: 15 de julio 2022

Revisado: 01 de septiembre 2022

Aprobado: 15 de octubre 2022

Publicado: 01 de noviembre 2022





The general objective of the research was to determine the role of nursing in the care process in patients with pneumonia. The approach formulated by the researcher for the methodological development of this work was the quantitative approach with a descriptive methodology with non-experimental design, which was supported by documentary-bibliographic analysis. Documents were used for this type of study. A research process was organized in which the study population relied primarily on written documents such as theses, statistics and scientific articles to examine the writings in order to study them and draw conclusions. It is concluded that the role of the nursing professional in the process of care in patients with pneumonia is oriented to the promotion of health, reaching the conformation of work teams, innate leadership, relationships with patients and interaction with their relatives, medical specialists focused on care.


Descriptors: Disease; nursing service; patient. (UNESCO Thesaurus).






El objetivo general de la investigación fue determinar el rol de enfermería en el proceso de atención en pacientes con neumonía. El planteamiento formulado por el investigador para el desarrollo metodológico del presente trabajo fue el enfoque cuantitativo con una metodología descriptiva con diseño no experimental, la cual se apoyó en el análisis documental–bibliográfico. Se utilizó para este tipo de estudio, documentos. Se organizó un proceso investigativo en donde la población de estudio, se basó primordialmente en documentos escritos como tesis, estadísticas y artículos científicos para examinar los escritos con el objeto de estudiarlos y construir conclusiones. Se concluye que, el rol del profesional de enfermería en el proceso de atención en pacientes con neumonía está orientada a la promoción de la salud alcanzando la conformación de equipos de trabajos, el liderazgo innato, las relaciones con los pacientes e interacción con sus familiares, médicos especialistas enfocados en el cuidado.


Descriptores: Enfermedad; servicio de enfermería; paciente. (Tesauro UNESCO).





One of the respiratory diseases that continues to increase in the world is pneumonia, affecting children, young people and adults in different sectors or environments of the world, in this sense, health management seeks to control this disease with the team that is in each health care center, highlighting the role of nursing in health management activities of the care of this pathology.

In this order of ideas, the World Health Organization. (2021), indicates that:


Pneumonia is a type of acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs. The lungs are made up of small sacs, called alveoli, which - in healthy people - fill with air when breathing. The alveoli of pneumonia patients are filled with pus and fluid, which makes breathing painful and limits oxygen absorption.


In this sense, the role of nursing in the care process of patients with pneumonia plays a preponderant role, since they provide the necessary care for the recovery of these patients after the diagnosis. Therefore, as stated according to Mella Moraga and Aguayo Acuña (2015) indicate the following:


For nurses, Care Management as administration is based on performing administrative activities such as managing hours and coordinating with other professionals or Care Centers in the community or region in order to provide complete patient care (p.80).


Therefore, the care offered by the nursing team allows patients to improve gradually, following the doctor's guidance and the provision of medicines by the nurses, the nursing professional performs care management, as its own scope, broader and more inclusive than the care management actions. (Fernández Silva, López Andrade and Sánchez Sepúlveda al.,2018). Nurse/ro care is a closely significant mechanism in health systems, offered by the nursing professional who exposes tactics, skills, care practices according to dysfunctional human responses. Nursing care provides an indispensable scheme in the life cycle of the individual and collectives (Duque Sanabria, 2019, p.12).

In relation to pneumonia, according to the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (2013):


Community-acquired pneumonia is one of the most frequent infections worldwide, its incidence is variable and is related to age, presence of concomitant diseases and some specific risk factors such as smoking and alcohol abuse. (p.2)


En este sentido la OMS. (2021) establece unas orientaciones sobre esta enfermedad las cuales se resumen en la siguiente figura:


Imagen que contiene Forma

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Figure 1. Pneumonia, causes, effects and prevention.

Source: WHO. (2021).


For all these reasons, the role of nursing in the care of patients with pneumonia plays an extremely important role in order to reduce this scourge together with those responsible for the management of public health services and the community. In this sense, Lagoueyte Gómez. (2015) states:


Nursing is focused on the care of health and life, and it is towards this aim that the efforts and work carried out for the care of the subjects of care are directed; the person, the family and the community. (p.209).


According to the formulated approaches, the general objective of this research is to determine the role of nursing in the care process in patients with pneumonia.



The approach formulated by the researcher for the methodological development of this research work is the quantitative approach with a descriptive methodology with non-experimental design, which was supported by the documentary - bibliographic analysis. It is based on the methodical, rigorous and deep exploration of documentary material of scientific works on the topic of study (Palella and Martins, 2012). The analysis of the phenomena is managed. It was used for this type of study, documents, the researcher collects them, chooses, examines and shows consistent results. The bibliographic design is supported by logical and mental processes. A research process was organized in which the study population relied primarily on written documents such as theses, statistics and scientific articles to examine the writings in order to study them and build conclusions that help in the generation of new knowledge. The techniques of interpretation of the search, the content analysis of the information collected was considered, which allowed the formulation of results. With the study of the analytical-synthetic, which allowed to mentally break down the topic studied into various elements in order to obtain new knowledge of the research, fragmenting it into several elements of study (León and Toro, 2007).



After the development of the methodology organized by the researcher, the results obtained are shown below.


Table 1

Vision of the nursing role.





Villanueva Cadenas., Meza Martel., Collantes Vílchez, y Medina Siesquén. (2022).

Nursing care process applied to the older adult with respiratory failure due to pneumonia.

At present, acute respiratory failure type 1, is due to a multiorgan failure, it is a disease in which there is a decrease in blood oxygen pressure, this is very common in aging due to pulmonary alterations involved in this stage, so that annually there is a decrease of 3% of the (PCO2), which affects the respiratory parameters. In the same way, respiratory diseases represent a high morbimortality, disability and with a depressed immune system characteristic of age.

Therefore, nursing care should focus on pain relief, administration of supplemental oxygen and, in case the patient presents pleural fluid, an evacuating thoracentesis should be performed by the physician. Likewise, emotional support should be provided to the family, since this is a very aggressive disease, so that they are prepared for negative outcomes.

Alonso, R, Santillán Barletta, M., Rodríguez, C., Mainero, Flavia A., Oliva, V., Vénica, D., Caeiro, J., Rittaco, T., y Saad, E. (2021).

Community-acquired pneumonia in patients requiring hospitalization.

Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) represents an important health problem and ~20% of patients require hospitalization. The main objective of this study was to determine the clinical-imaging characteristics of CAP episodes requiring hospitalization.

In conclusion, CAP is a frequent reason for hospitalization, especially in patients with multiple comorbidities, and is associated with complications and significant mortality risk.

Granizo-Taboada, Jiménez-Jiménez, Rodríguez-Díaz, y Parcon-Bitanga. (2020).

Nursing professional's knowledge and practices on prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Preventive measures are a relevant aspect to be rescued for the nursing staff as an active member of the interdisciplinary health team and the main entity in the prevention of future complications; it is an indispensable tool of great relevance and is responsible for health care.

On the other hand, non-adherence to oral hygiene in the MV patient by the nursing staff in the study indicates that it can have notable repercussions on the patient's health. It is necessary to mention that nursing interventions are evidenced by practice in the care of the person. The practices that are considered inadequate have repercussions on the profile of the nursing professional and, most importantly, contribute to patient complications, accidents and infections, which would be unnoticeable or even non-existent with adequate practice.


Elaboration: Authors.


The role of nursing is manifested in the care in the different areas of health centers, and in this particular case with those who present respiratory failure due to pneumonia, care is the fundamental pillar of the profession, which is complemented by an administration within organizations that involves motivation, creativity, responsibility and ethics, therefore, it is found that management, care and service. ((Duque Sanabria, 2019, p.35).



The role of the nursing professional in the care process in patients with pneumonia is oriented to the promotion of health, reaching the conformation of work teams, innate leadership, relationships with patients and interaction with their relatives. Likewise, this role has a decisive role on the care plans of patients with respiratory deficiency together with the specialist physicians focused on the care of the patients.




Alonso, R, Santillán Barletta, M., Rodríguez, C., Mainero, Flavia A., Oliva, V., Vénica, D., Caeiro, J., Rittaco, T., y Saad, E. (2021). Neumonía adquirida en la comunidad en pacientes que requirieron hospitalización. [Community-acquired pneumonia in patients requiring hospitalization]. Medicina (Buenos Aires), 81(1), 37-46. Recuperado de:


Asociación Colombiana de Infectología.(2013). Guía de práctica clínica Recomendaciones para el diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención de la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad en adultos inmunocompetentes. [Recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and preven tion of community-acquired pneumonia in immunocompetent adults]. Inf ect io.,17(Supl 1);1-38. DOI: 10.1016/S0123-9392(13)70019-5


Duque Sanabria, K. (2019). Rol del profesional de enfermería en seguridad y salud en el trabajo, innovando el cuidado. [Role of the nursing professional in occupational health and safety, innovating care]. Monografía para optar el título de Enfermera Profesional Bogotá. Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A., Colombia. Recuperado de:


Fernández Silva, C., López Andrade, C., y Sánchez Sepúlveda, M. (2018). La gestión del cuidado en la Atención Primaria en salud en Chile. [Care management in Primary Health Care in Chile]. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm., 8(2):18-29. Recuperado de:


Granizo-Taboada, W., Jiménez-Jiménez, M., Rodríguez-Díaz, J., y Parcon-Bitanga, M. (2020). Conocimiento y prácticas del profesional de enfermería sobre prevención de neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica. [ Nursing professional's knowledge and practices on prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia]. Revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey, 24(1). Recuperado de:


Lagoueyte Gómez, M. (2015). El cuidado de enfermería a los grupos humanos. [Nursing care to human groups]. Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud, 47(2), 209-213. Recuperado de:


León-Hurtado, I., y Toro-Garrido, J. (2007). Paradigmas y métodos de Investigación en Tiempos de Cambio. [Paradigms and Research Methods in Times of Change] Recuperado de



Mella Moraga, R., y Aguayo Acuña, F. (2015). Significado práctico del concepto gestión del cuidado en las enfermeras/os que se desempeñan en atención primaria en salud. [Practical meaning of the concept of care management in nurses working in primary health care]. Ciencia y Enfermería, 21(3),73-85. Recuperado de:


Organización Mundial de la Salud. (2021). Neumonía. [Pneumonia]. Recuperado de:


Palella-Stracuzzi, S. y Martins-Pestana, F. (2012). Metodología de la investigación cuantitativa. [Quantitative research methodology] Fondo editorial de la Universidad Pedagógica Libertador. Caracas, Venezuela.


Villanueva Cadenas, G., Meza Martel, E. T., Collantes Vilchez, Y. N., y Medina Siesquén, M. del P. (2022). Proceso del cuidado enfermero aplicado al adulto mayor con insuficiencia respiratoria por neumonía. [Nursing care process applied to the older adult with respiratory failure due to pneumonia]. Investigación e Innovación: Revista Científica de Enfermería, 2(1), 209–218. Recuperado de:









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