Effective communication skills as a nurse in understanding patients

Palabras clave: Interactive communication, patient, paramedical staff, (UNESCO Thesaurus).


The general objective of the research was to analyze effective communication skills as a nurse in understanding patients. It was raised from the quantitative approach, through the investigation, collection and documentary critical analysis and bibliographical reference, based on the methodical, rigorous and in-depth review of various documentary sources such as scientific research, refereed works and theses. Bibliographic design is supported by logical and mental processes. The data was obtained from bibliographic documents related to communication, care management, health care and communication skills. It is concluded that communication skills are an element of great importance for the recovery of health and a tool of great value to guarantee the care of patients and their families, it is also transcendental to know how to communicate to constitute a correct care with the patient, which Optimize your quality of life and well-being for both the patient and their families.


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Cómo citar
Parrales-Choez, A., Jaqueline-Beatriz, D., Menéndez-Pin, T.- del-R., & Ramos-Arce, G. (2022). Effective communication skills as a nurse in understanding patients. CIENCIAMATRIA, 8(1), 24-35. https://doi.org/10.35381/cm.v8i1.613
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