Measuring anxiety among young English language learners: Application of digital games for evaluation

Palabras clave: Educational psychology, educational guidance, language instruction, (UNESCO Thesaurus).


The purpose of the following study was to evaluate how the impact of technology affects the anxiety of elementary school students in English classes in a private school in Cuenca, Ecuador. Through a mixed method approach using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Results showed that students experienced a statistically significant decrease in anxiety after being assessed through Quizizz games compared to traditional pencil-and-paper assessments. It was also found that students' anxieties regarding assessments were primarily triggered by fear of consequences, failure, and not achieving perfect scores.  Further research over longer periods is recommended.


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Cómo citar
Amoroso-Vivanco, M., & Vega-Auquilla, M. (2022). Measuring anxiety among young English language learners: Application of digital games for evaluation. CIENCIAMATRIA, 8(1), 469-489.
De Investigación