Marketing strategies and brand positioning for the textile craft sector

Keywords: Marketing; Positioning; Strategies; Market; Brand.


The investigation shows an strategic marketing plan for the brand positioning of the Cuenca based company named Design Express, the aforementioned company is a micro enterprise dedicated to the fabrication of handmade clothing. The purpose of the investigation es to change the fabrication of handmade clothing. The purpose of the investigation es to change the current sale and distribution strategies of the company. The investigation was of qualitative and qualitative nature, and done issuing descriptive methodology, for the analysis and diagnostics of the situation the interview and the poll techniques were used, in order to optimize the vision that the company possess, allowing us to determine the necessities that the company currently has, in an according way to it is vision an mission on the market. As a consequence, we evidence that the lack of marketing strategies will allow the company to develop its commercial activities in a competitive way therefore establishing itself on the market while positioning itself as a well-known brand.


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How to Cite
Criollo Aguirre, M., Erazo Álvarez, J., & Narváez Zurita, C. (2019). Marketing strategies and brand positioning for the textile craft sector. CIENCIAMATRIA, 5(1), 245-270.
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