Learning entrepreneurship and management through digital Narratives in high school

Keywords: Literature, literary analysis, literary criticism, (Words taken from the UNESCO Thesaurus).


The present work aims to analyze the contribution of digital narratives to the teaching-learning process of Entrepreneurship and Management of the students of the Second BGU of the “Luis Rogerio González” Educational Unit. The approach is quantitative with a descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional cohort scope. The instrument consisted of 10 variables on the Likert scale. The Excel tool was used for data tabulation and the SPSS tool for statistical analysis. The students' knowledge of ICT issues, financial education, effective administration and basic concepts of economics is of a medium-high level; however, there was no significant association between the variables ICT issues and financial education. A proposal was developed based on the implementation of digital narratives with the aim of improving students' knowledge through digital narrative.


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How to Cite
Neira-Quinteros, V., & Erazo-Álvarez, C. (2021). Learning entrepreneurship and management through digital Narratives in high school. CIENCIAMATRIA, 7(3), 124-137. https://doi.org/10.35381/cm.v7i3.573
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