Public investment projects to improve educational infrastructure

Keywords: Development project; education; investment. (UNESCO Thesaurus


The general objective of this research was to describe public investment projects to improve educational infrastructure. The researchers proposed a methodology based on the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative perspective, and also relied on a documentary-bibliographic review that allowed developing the research topic through the detailed analysis of theses, research papers, refereed journals; and describing public investment projects to improve educational infrastructure. It is important to emphasize that the documentary review allows obtaining updated information, to later contrast it with the arguments of the researchers and to conform the final document. It is concluded that investment in projects to improve educational infrastructure represents a great opportunity to achieve the effectiveness of public policies developed by the States. In addition, the methodology and phases of the proposed investment project must be respected for an effective result, as well as active participation with a sense of ownership.


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How to Cite
Timana-Camacho, S., Esteves-Fajardo, Z., Luján-Johnson, G., & Melgar-Ojeda, K. (2022). Public investment projects to improve educational infrastructure. CIENCIAMATRIA, 8(2), 693-704.
De Investigación

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