Psychological impacts of COVID-19 on job performance in health care workers

Keywords: Labor; health; pandemic. (UNESCO Thesaurus)


The general objective of this research was to analyze the psychological impacts of covid-19 on work performance in health care workers. The present research was based on the quantitative paradigm, documentary-bibliographic type, on the other hand, the specific method applied to the inquiry is the analytical-synthetic, since it allowed a series of information to be synthesized in the form of writing; which is captured, analyzed, processed and described, using value judgments and exposure, without leaving aside the analysis with a personal criterion. The technique used in this research is that of document analysis, being an effective technique for the acquisition and compilation of information, which will be obtained from graduate works, refereed research and texts. It is concluded that despite the impact of covid-19 on work performance, they continue to fight against this scourge by providing the necessary care to save lives.


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How to Cite
Vega-Gómez, K., Esteves-Fajardo, Z., Luján-Johnson, G., & Quito-Esteves, A. (2022). Psychological impacts of COVID-19 on job performance in health care workers. CIENCIAMATRIA, 8(3), 546-557.
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