Strengthening of didactic strategies to activate the development of thinking processes

Keywords: Teaching strategy, thinking, education, (UNESCO Thesaurus)


The general objective of this research was to describe the strengthening of didactic strategies to activate the development of thinking processes. The development of the research was carried out from a quantitative, descriptive perspective and was complemented by a documentary-bibliographic design. The information was extracted from different refereed articles, graduate work, among others. It is concluded that the growth of thought processes is advantageous because it allows the person to expand various skills used in their daily life, enabling them to act, think and create, increasing skills and abilities from an early age, from didactics and training plans increasing logical, critical, creative and mathematical thinking.


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How to Cite
Yumi-Cutiupala, M., & Esteves-Fajardo, Z. (2023). Strengthening of didactic strategies to activate the development of thinking processes. CIENCIAMATRIA, 9(1), 522-533.
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