Tree ABC as a playground tool to develop literacy in children in the rural sector

Keywords: Educational games, teaching materials, educational technology


The present research aimed to analyze in what way the ABC Tree educational portal contributes to the development of literacy in children in the rural sector, of the San Gabriel de Chaucha Educational Unit; It is experimental, with a qualitative and quantitative epistemological approach, longitudinal cohort, using a pre and post test to observe its change, in which a progressive advance in the development of literacy could be verified, based on the perception and reasoning, presenting a low percentage in the autonomous development of the student as they have a medium level in handling the tool. It can be affirmed that the ABC Tree educational portal contributes effectively to the development of meaningful learning in students, improving their academic level and educational quality.


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How to Cite
Saldaña-Guillcatanda, C., García-Herrera, D., Mena-Clerque, S., & Erazo-Álvarez, J. (2020). Tree ABC as a playground tool to develop literacy in children in the rural sector. CIENCIAMATRIA, 6(3), 476-497.
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