Factors involved in the development and delivery of tasks in the virtual teaching learning process

Keywords: Multimedia instruction, teaching methods, teaching method innovations


The objective of the research was to analyze the factors involved in the development and delivery of tasks in the virtual teaching-learning process of the Federico Proaño school located in the Cuenca canton, Azuay province-Ecuador. Methodologically, it is descriptive, not experimental, the population sample was made up of 67 parents of families of students in the eighth years of upper secondary, from parallels "A" and "B. 39% of students do not have internet service every day, the restricted access to this resource forces the student to go to a family member or neighbor to complete their homework. Parents are committed to providing their children with the technological resources necessary for their training and strengthening the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite
Lojano-Bueno, M., García-Herrera, D., Castro-Salazar, A., & Erazo-Álvarez, J. (2020). Factors involved in the development and delivery of tasks in the virtual teaching learning process. CIENCIAMATRIA, 6(3), 98-114. https://doi.org/10.35381/cm.v6i3.392
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